Passive Income

In this post I will concentrate specifically on network marketing, why it is one of the best ways to earn passive income online, and why it is essential for your business.

First, let's cover the basics.

Network Marketing Definition

Network marketing is a type of business which usually relies on a big distributor network compromised out of people who sell the businesses product for a commission. Think of businesses like Avon or Mary Kay Cosmetics for an offline business, or MOBE as a great example of an online based network marketing business.

Most of the time, companies like these also offer payouts on more than one level, and that is then termed multi level network marketing.

These types of companies are popular with people looking for additional work, mostly because network marketing jobs are flexible, but also because you can earn high commissions – and when you build your network, these commissions would be practically passive.

Can You Make a Living Off Passive Income?

I hope we can agree that the answer here is yes. If not a living, you can definitely supplement your income with money that comes to you passively – through smart past efforts.

Still, I feel that I have to clarify exactly what passive income is, as I feel that many people don't really understand it. Many people feel that passive income means that they do something once, and they never have to work again.

But this is not entirely true. An example I've given of passive income before illustrates this perfectly:

Passive income is income earned that is independent of your own efforts. Obviously there's an initial time and money investment like buying and renting property, but once the property is rented to tenants the income is deemed as passive or non-earned income.

There is always some time investment required, although it should be minimal. And when you do set up some passive income streams, your business and yourself will thrive even during inevitable periods of 'low season' in your business.

Passive Income Ideas for 2016.

Many of the people I know have created a passive income stream online by partnering up with network marketing businesses.

The best network marketing opportunities are the ones that offer you the chance to create multiple passive income streams, as well as active income streams. Recently I wrote about the importance of having multiple streams of income before and I urge you to read this post.

I've found some of the best passive income opportunities through Empower Network, an online marketing company that has great products that will teach you how to set up your online business from the ground up – meaning from helping you set up your blogging platform onwards.

The problem with most network marketing companies.

The problem people have with most network marketing companies is that the companies make a product once and never update it. This has two drawbacks:

  1. If the products are any good, the company will grow and 'everyone' who wanted to buy the product would have done it by the time you got into the company.
  2. If the products were made years ago, are they still relevant if they aren't updated?

One of my best network marketing tips would be to look for network marketing companies that:

  1. Have quality products that are either updated or stand the test of time.
  2. Offer new products on a fairly regular basis.

One company that stands out and the one I recommend for your network marketing success is Empower Network, whose new program is still in it's prelaunch phase.

That means that you finally get on board on time with a quality product made by a network marketing company that stood the test of time – the Empower Network and its newest program, called Titan.

Titan is one of the best network marketing opportunities in both the UK and wider that came up in recent years. When you join Titan, you can learn how to make up to $5000 per in commissions with their 21 day guide. Sign up to Titan here.

Speak soon

John McLauchlan

"Helping You Build Your 6 Figure Internet Business"

PS • Remember that passive income is the reliable monthly income structure, that provides ESSENTIAL cashflow that keeps you in business and provides you a marketing budget. Titan can make that happen

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